Pesso Boyden Therapy in London (2024)

Pesso-Boyden Therapy (also called PBSP) is an effective and deeply respectful therapeutic process that uses unique processes to help you identify emotional deficits and create ‘new memories’.

Who Can Be Helped By Pesso-Boyden Therapy?

Almost anyone can benefit from Pesso-Boyden Therapy. It has been found to be highly effective in the treatment of many cases of:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • sexual, drug, and alcohol abuse
  • a wide range of other traumas

Pesso-Boyden Therapy can be successfully applied in dealing with:

  • professional and career difficulties
  • relationship conflicts with partners or friends and within families
  • anger management issues
  • stress and overwhelm
  • sleep and relaxation
  • psychosomatic symptoms

and many other issues.

“Through your workshop I now have an outline route to personal peace and happiness.” J

Goals of Pesso-Boyden Therapy

New memories provide symbolic fulfillment of the basic developmental needs of place, nurture, support, protection and limits. These genetically-based needs may not have been adequately met during your actual childhood, but in Pesso-Boyden Therapy your brain will experience this need-fulfilment as actually happening symbolically in the present.

Your brain will then place this healing experience back into your ‘body memory’ in a way that effects permanent changes in your outlook and perspective on the world.

The method has been described as a streamlining or ‘fast tracking’ the path to your unconscious mind.

“Our lives are not predestined, the world is not done, and we are not puppets in it. We are made genetically to be able to be happy in an imperfect world that is endlessly unfolding.” Albert Pesso

A Pesso-Boyden session has a gentle, ritualised quality that leaves you in complete control of the process, so that you can work at a deep level while feeling absolutely safe to do so.

In the Pesso-Boyden session, your rational mind can vividly experience and explore the feeling states you had as a child. Although you experience those feelings as being immediate and real, you maintain a parallel awareness that you are re-living something from your past, as you then go on to create a new scenario in which your maturational needs were fulfilled. This supports the creation of a ‘new memory’ that has the same power and force as childhood experiences and memories.

An absence of emotional nurturing, physically imprinted in the body, can lead to an inability to cope with the challenges of adulthood. Pesso-Boyden Therapy provides the interactions and sensory experience which were missing, plugging the unconscious gaps from your childhood.

How does Pesso-Boyden Therapy work to take the power away from unhappy memories?

Pesso-Boyden Therapy is a gentle yet very powerful form of emotional re-education or re-programming that heals the early traumas, wounds, losses and disappointments which shaped your internal map of the world and how you function now as an adult and react to the challenges of your life presently.

By being able to get a new experience in your body in the course of exploring your emotional deficits and creating ‘new memories’, you get a new, subjective experience of life, a new relationship to life, and a new relationship to conflict and to challenges.

As well as gaining new perspectives, the outcome of working with Pesso-Boyden Therapy is often to become more productive – enabling you to make the changes you need or wish for in your life – and to feel more connected and invigorated and better able to find satisfaction, connectedness, meaning and pleasure.

How To Get an Experience of Pesso-Boyden Therapy

Pesso-Boyden Therapy was originally devised as a group process and can be a very powerful experience within a group setting. See Group Workshops for information about groups and workshops that are available.

In his later years, Al Pesso, who created PBSP along with his wife Diane Boyden, became increasingly interested in how to adapt the approach for use in one-to-one psychotherapy. He trained Marcus and others to be able to use the method in a way that is equally effective in the context of individual therapy sessions or in groups. Marcus graduated in 2013 and reached accreditation status in 2021.

Contact Marcus for a chat and to arrange a session to have a taster of Pesso-Boyden Therapy.

Contact Marcus

Further Information & Articles on Pesso Boyden Therapy

Websites for more information about the theory behind and training of Pesso Boyden Therapy: Website that promotes Pesso-Boyden Therapy in the UK. The original U.S. website.

Videos that further explain Pesso Boyden therapy & its approach:

‘The Roots of Justice are in the Body’

‘Frozen Emotions’, Dutch TV documentary.

Trailer for ‘State of Mind – Healing Trauma’

Lecture by Albert Pesso

Pesso Boyden Therapy in London (2024)


What is Pesso Boyden therapy? ›

Pesso Boyden System Psychom*otor (PBSP) is a body-based therapy, and an approach to human psychological development. It represents the coming together of psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural and system-oriented principles, along with client-centred attitudes, in one integrated philosophy.

What is psychom*otor therapy? ›

Psychom*otor therapy is a type of bodily approach intended to act on disrupted mental, behavioral, or psychological functions through the body. It is a profession of care that focuses as much on the diagnosis as on the treatment of the disorder. It is also part of the prophylactic framework.

What are holes in roles peso? ›

'Holes in Roles' is the term used by Albert Pesso to describe the innate desire of children to 'make things right' in their family system. We all have an in-built sense of loving justice, a sense of how things should be, and when this is disturbed by events the child steps into the emotional breach.

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Physiatrists and physical therapists treat patients with the same types of conditions. However, physiatrists are physicians who have completed medical school plus four years of residency training. A common misconception of physiatrists is that they are the ones who are actually performing the therapies.

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ETT, a noninvasive and non-pharmaceutical approach combines traditional talk therapy with the use of colored lights. ETT® is proven to achieve faster therapeutic results by using lights and colors to stimulate the brain, reshaping the neural impulses that affect the nervous system.

What is an example of a psychom*otor activity? ›

psychom*otor learning, development of organized patterns of muscular activities guided by signals from the environment. Behavioral examples include driving a car and eye-hand coordination tasks such as sewing, throwing a ball, typing, operating a lathe, and playing a trombone.

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Sports and dance are the richest realms of gross psychom*otor skills. Behavioral examples include driving a car, throwing a ball, and playing a musical instrument.

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Psychom*otor agitation can cause a variety of signs, including restlessness, or an inability to sit still; dashing around without purposeful movement; pacing; tapping of one's fingers; and abruptly starting and stopping tasks.

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APAC is a training organisation who have been specialising in teaching Play Therapy for over 20 years, offering students a high-quality learning experience. Play Therapists work with children aged 4 to 13 years old supporting their mental health and emotional well-being to enable children to reach their potential.

What is psychom*otor clinic? ›

Psychom*otor therapy is a healthcare profession that is based on a holistic view of the person and is involved in the treatment of different disorders.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.